Why PanOptes?
Department of Defense Enterprise-Grade Solution
On 14, Mar 2013 | In Why PanOptes? | By sage7topia
During the past several years, SuprTEK has been working with DISA PEO-MA to develop and field the Department of Defense’s Continuous Monitoring and Risk Scoring (CMRS) system that enables USCYBERCOM and other DoD Enterprise level users to monitor and analyze the security posture of millions of devices deployed across the DoD’s networks.
CMRS utilizes SCAP standards such as XCCDF, OVAL, CPE, and CVE to continuously and automatically determine whether an asset is susceptible to vulnerabilities, its compliance level against required patches, and compliance against IAVAs, STIGs, and other enterprise security policies.
The best practices and lessons learned from developing and fielding the DoD’s solution are baked into the PanOptesTM platform.